Adam Glas

Adam Glas grew up on a farm in rural Wisconsin. He studied landscape design at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, and at Gateway Community College, where he was instrumental in designing the schools teaching gardens. A summer job at a nursery sparked a desire to explore all things green, and he completed the Professional Horticulture Program at Longwood Gardens in 2006. Now a garden supervisor at the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College he works with a team of 10 gardeners to maintain one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United StatesHe currently lives in Wilmington, Delaware with his partner George (who also works in the field of public horticulture) his standard poodle, Arlo, and his thoroughbred horse, Clever.

  • Iphigenia tree peony
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Peony Growing Basics for the Mid-Atlantic

    As one of the most unmistakable and recognizable flowers in the world, the peony has been revered for its enduring beauty and fragrance for centuries. It is believed that these…

  • apple tree from below
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    6 Tips for Pruning Young Fruit Trees

    Good things come to those who wait, and this is especially true when establishing young fruit trees. Pruning to encourage proper branching structure and the production of high-quality fruit requires…

  • a mix of colorful pollinator plants
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Pollinator Plants for Mid-Atlantic Gardens

    Honeybees and butterflies may be the poster children for pollinator awareness, but these charismatic garden visitors actually make up a very small portion of the species that move pollen from…

  • Wada’s Memory magnolia
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Magnificent Magnolias for Mid-Atlantic Gardens

    Millions of years of evolution and hybridization efforts by generations of enthusiasts have produced hundreds of magnolia species and cultivars. Our mild Mid-Atlantic climate is conducive for growing a significant…

  • spring planting plan mid-atlantic
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Spring Planting Plan for the Mid-Atlantic

    In her article "Spring Planting Ideas," Michelle Gervais beautifully illustrates the magical time that is the start of spring: "Our winter-weary spirits lift as hints of green begin to appear.…

  • small outdoor staircase covered with garbage bags
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Garden-Friendly Snow Clearing and Salt Alternatives

    In the depths of winter the focus on what happens under our feet is generally centered around staying safe and minimizing slips, trips, and falls on steps or walkways covered…

  • Pruning a hydrangea to make a better shape
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Winter is Best Time for Rejuvenation Pruning in the Mid-Atlantic

    While a light hand is apropos for many pruning jobs, sometimes a judicious but heavy hand is needed. Rejuvenation pruning is a heavy-handed but efficient method to bring overlooked, overgrown,…

  • minor bulbs
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    How to Plant Minor Bulbs for Major Impact

    After a long winter nothing brings more joy than seeing the first signs of spring. With a little planning and patience, you can amplify and enhance this feeling of delight…

  • watering techniques
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Use a Watering Bag to Establish New Trees

    Fall is an excellent time for planting and transplanting, provided there is adequate soil moisture to allow plants to reestablish their root systems. Because inconsistent watering or lack of rainfall…

  • organic approach to lawn maintenance
    Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports

    Fall Is a Natural Time for Organic Lawn Care

    The centerpiece of a traditional American landscape has long been a verdant, weed-free expanse of lawn. But all too often conventional lawn care is achieved by applying an onslaught of…