This vigorous cormous perennial has semi-erect, lance-shaped leaves 7 to 10 inches long that emerge in spring, then go dormant in late May. In September, it bears 1 to 3 leafless, goblet-shaped, intense pink flowers with yellow anthers and often white throats.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsCombines well with sweet potato vine, which will cover the gaps left between leaf and bloom times.
CareBest in partial sun, since it will fade and burn in full sun. Prefers moisture during their leaf expanding stage.
PropagationSeparate corms when dormant in summer.
ProblemsGray mold (Botrytis) and slugs.
- Genus : Colchicum
- Zones : 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Plant Height : 6 to 12 inches
- Moisture : Adaptable
- Bloom Time : Fall
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Fall Interest
- Maintenance : Moderate
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Light : Partial Shade
- Plant Type : Perennials
- Flower Color : Pink