This widely used genus is prized for its evergreen foliage and its ability to withstand heavy pruning. The yellow-green flowers are insignificant. Buxus has been used in hedging, topiaries, and parterres for centuries.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsOpposite, glossy rounded to lance-shaped leathery leaves. Variegated forms exist.
CareGrow in any soil, preferably in partial shade. Tolerates full sun if the soil is moist. Prune in late spring and summer; supply fertilizer after any heavy pruning to aid in regeneration.
PropagationRoot semi-ripe cutttings in summer. Graft in winter.
ProblemsPowdery mildew, canker, root rot, dieback, and leaf spot are common. Leaf miner, scale, caterpillars, psyllids, and mites also occur. Foliage can winter burn if planted in an unprotected site.