Plants in the genus Eupatorium bear tubular and fringe-like flowerheads of white, pink, or purple that add soft color and texture to the summer and fall garden. These plants from diverse habitats are grown for their ease of care and their usefulness in mixed borders, wild gardens, and other naturalized areas.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsSome species are tender, evergreen shrubs, which flower in early to late spring and require little pruning.
CareGrow in moist soil in full sun or partial shade.
PropagationSow seed in a cold frame in spring; divide hardy species in spring; take softwood cuttings of tender species in spring.
ProblemsRust, powdery mildew, white smut, Cercospora and Septoria leaf spot, Southern blight, snail, slugs. Indoors, watch for spider mites and whiteflies.