These double-flowered grape hyacinths are a good candidate for beds and borders because they increase only by division. They also bloom longer than those that hasten through spring eager to set seed. ‘Fantasy Creation’, a sport of ‘Blue Spike’, has a large pyramidal raceme resembling broccoli. Its blue flowers gradually turn purple, then green, fading toward yellow. It doesn’t wilt and rarely sets seed, making it useful for dried flower arrangements.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsGood early color. Can be forced. Adaptable to various growing conditions, but must have well-drained soil.
CareLikes fertile, moist but well-drained alkaline soil in full sun. Will take part shade. Plant 3 to 4 inches deep in groups or drifts in fall. Lift and divide when dormant in late summer or early fall.
Propagation Divide when dormant; remove offsets in summer; sow seed in containers in a cold frame in fall.
Problems Generally problem free but prone to viruses.
- Genus : Muscari
- Zones : 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- Plant Height : 6 to 12 inches
- Plant Width : 6 to 12 inches
- Plant Type : Bulbs
- Uses : Containers
- Bloom Time : Early Spring, Spring
- Characteristics : Fragrant Flowers
- Tolerance : Frost Tolerant
- Light : Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Moisture : Medium Moisture
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Maintenance : Moderate
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Spring Interest