The Garden Photo of the Day (GPOD) is a daily blog that features new, inspirational garden images each weekday morning. Over the years, it’s become the first thing thousands of gardeners read with their morning coffee. Think of it as your morning shot of green, gardeny goodness!
Here at the GPOD, we LOVE featuring your gardens! In fact, the blog has evolved over the last couple of years to feature mainly reader photos, with a few FG-staff-shot photos here and there when the supply of your photos runs thin. Consider sharing your gardening successes with us!
When submitting photos of your garden for consideration, take a moment to think about what you love seeing of other peoples’ gardens. Do you love seeing interesting plant combinations? Cleverly designed hardscape? Interesting plants? Cozy garden seating areas? Pick you photos accordingly.
Email photos to [email protected]. Try to send the highest-resolution photos you can. Some email programs automatically downsize photos when they are attached. Avoid this if possible.
When emailing photos, please be sure to introduce yourself and tell us where you live. Describe what you’re showing us in your photos, and tell us a little about your gardening history. Any and all plant IDs are helpful as well. Our goal is to be able to quote you in the post. It makes the photos even more enjoyable!
Unfortunately, we can only respond to your email if we plan to use your photos. We wish there were more hours in the day, but this blog is only a small portion of what we do here at Fine Gardening.
If we post your photos, join the conversation! Readers often have questions and suggestions for you throughout the day, and we’d love it if you would chime in. Join us in the Fine Gardening Community Chat on Facebook.
So you submitted photos, and now you’re wondering why we didn’t post them. It could be any number of reasons. Perhaps the photos were a bit too blurry, or their size too small. Perhaps they didn’t have a clear subject, or perhaps they just didn’t fit the feel of the blog at that moment. Don’t let that hold you back. Send us more!
Note: When you submit to GPOD, you agree to allow your photos to be used on our website and on our social media channels in perpetuity. We will credit you as the photographer when possible. Thank you!
Hello, Michelle ...
Your daily emails that hit my inbox have been such a joyous highlight of each day. What a fantastic & rewarding career you must have! You touch people in ways you can't imagine.
I'm an avid gardener but due to a sailing accident, my retina was permanently scarred in "the viewing area" of my sight from the sun when lost at sea years ago. It's left me partially vision-challenged.
Is it possible to return to the "old way" of enlarging gardeners' photos offer'g 2 ways to do so? 1)Click'g directly on the photo, or, 2) "Click here" option that navigates the viewer to another page where it was super-enlarged?
The tiny "pop out" when click'g on the photo itself, doesn't enlarge them enough to see any detail. In fact, yesterday's garden post "popped out" actually smaller with a white border around it.
I've been inspired in immeasurable ways in my own massive gardening efforts only b/c I've been able to clearly see the enlarged displays with their wonderful detailing. Sadly, I can no longer see anything but "long-distance" shots click'g onto the photo itself now.
I know God smiles when He sees your online efforts. They enable so many to display to others His materials as we recreate our own unique microcosmic scenes reflecting just how great He is! Your's is a wonderful thing.
Thank you for consider'g my request.
I wish you all things wondeful,
...Carli Reardon
In-the-Garden, in Atlanta
PS - I love your garden snap above and the rich colours. Are you hiding a veggie garden behind it? I love to have a cup o' tea walking your garden with you to thank you, in person.
Dear Michelle,
When I comment on a daily garden photo, I wish I could follow the conversation more easily. I wish there was an option (a button in the comment box) that allowed all the comments from the person's garden which was shared, to be forwarded by email.
For instance, when another reader asks a question that I too am interested in the answer to, the owner of the garden's responses are all forwarded. So if I take the time to comment, every comment from the owner would go to my email. I would see answers to other questions or comments readers had and it would reward my comment and interaction. Even the gardener's note of thanks and appreciation would find it's way to my mailbox. I don't need to see every comment from everyone. Just the featured gardener's responses.
What do you think?
Jan Meissner
Green Thumb Blonde
GPOD - Here goes - I thought you could use some bold and beautiful photo shots from my gardens here in a country setting in Southern - Southern Illinois. I hope this goes well, as I love my gardens - gardening in general - and taking pictures and showing off and sharing the gardens and garden areas. My gardening skills have been self taught down through the years from generations of loved ones. Right now it is seed saving time for me and seeds are everywhere begging to be saved. The largest quantity of what I save are zinnia seed. I like to play with hybridizing the zinnia - though minimal as you can see below. Yes, that that first zinnia has a tinge of yellow around each petal - it even surprised me. The large area of zinnia are in my Wetland Garden - where I cannot plant until after June 1 each year (due to flodding).
These love-in-a-puff are the result of my seed saving from last year - after my husband told me he saw these vines loaded with little puff balls, growing along an old fence row when he was mowing off a pasture area. Googling tells it all, the little guys are 'love-in-a-puff'. And the amazing part is that each puff has 3 round seeds inside (each with a heart on it).
This is an area in my Hillside 4-Row Perennial Garden which seems to have ever changing color.

Well - as I said, I enjoy sharing - so now best I mogate myself outside on this beautiful fall day and enjoy the cool gardening temperatures.
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Wow Michelle! Great idea for having a beautiful garden. Thankyou for sharing this interesting information. .
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