Often used by florists, 'Star Gazer' lily has bright crimson flowers with purple spots and dark edges. These lilies grow to about 3 feet tall, so they generally don't need staking.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsVigorous growth, strong stems, upward facing flowers, very fragrant. Good in containers or borders.
CareLilies are easy to grow in any garden soil—if you remember they like their heads in the sun and feet in the shade. Plant them among shrubs or other plants so that the base of the stem is shaded and the head will be in the sun. This technique prevents the soil above the bulb from drying out too quickly, which can adversely affect any roots produced by the stem before it emerges from the soil. A common mistake is not planting lilies deep enough. Put 6 inches of soil over the top of them to keep them from flopping over. They appreciate a regular feeding when grown in containers; in borders, they will be fine with little feeding.
PropagationRemove scales, offsets, or bulblets in late summer. Sow seed as soon as ripe in a cold frame or sow indoors at 65° to 70°F under lights in spring.
ProblemsGray mold (during wet weather), aphid-spread viruses, red lily beetles, slugs, snails, deer, rabbits, voles, groundhogs.
- Genus : Lilium
- Zones : 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- Plant Height : 3 to 6 feet
- Plant Type : Bulbs
- Uses : Containers
- Characteristics : Fragrant Flowers
- Light : Full Sun
- Moisture : Medium Moisture
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Maintenance : Moderate
- Flower Color : Pink, Red, White
- Bloom Time : Summer
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Summer Interest