Michelle Gervais
Garden Photo of the Day
Joe’s garden in Washington is ablaze with color
So many great plants! 16 photos total. Click through to see more!
Garden Photo of the Day
Sharon’s garden in Oklahoma
Sharon's been gardening for 50 years, and her style is the definition of charming!
Garden Photo of the Day
More from Mark’s wonderful garden in Connecticut, Day 1
We were all huge fans of Mark Meyer's garden when we visited a couple of weeks ago, so he sent in more photos!
Garden Photo of the Day
The Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden
I know it's spring, but let's step back inside for just a moment to Share Petra's visit to this sumptuous show.
Garden Photo of the Day
Jeff’s garden in Tennessee is AWAKE!
Things change daily in Jeff's garden, and he makes sure he notices every single thing. Then he shares them with us!
Garden Photo of the Day
Inspiration from Carol’s garden in North Carolina
Carol's been gearing up for 2015 by looking back at photos of her garden in 2014. So many great plant combos!
Garden Photo of the Day
Biyuan’s garden in New Jersey
Biyuan's garden is a riot of color, and it's only 6 years old!
Garden Photo of the Day
Lots of spring treasures in Jeanne’s Washington garden
You'll be adding a lot more plants to your spring shopping list after seeing this post....
Garden Photo of the Day
Weeding is a joy in June’s North Carolina garden
June finds her time down on her knees, weeding the garden, the most enjoyable. It's how she gets to see the garden waking up on an intimate level.
Garden Photo of the Day
Kathie’s springtime garden in Virginia
Spring has been gentle in Kathie's part of the world, which translates to lush flowers.