Grasses are the showstoppers in John Markowski's garden.
"I wanted to pass along some recent photos from my garden, specifically photos that were taken in the early morning here in NJ."
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Really beautiful photos that capture the moodiness that a great garden can exude. And aren't grasses wonderful? Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful, beautiful! I so enjoy seeing and growing grasses! These are wonderful photos Which show the seasons beauty! Thank you for sharing! It makes me want to look into more areas for grasses...
Absolutely Magnificent photos! Please do send in more photos! Ahhh! Lovely! I need to see more of your gardens!
Hi, John, Well, it's official...your name is now included in my own personal thesaurus under the category of Synonyms for Fabulous Ornamental Grasses! Your fall garden is gorgeous and I love how the morning fog accentuates the forms and structures that even spent plants like the bee balm still retain. The flame grass is a miscanthus...right? Does it do any reseeding? and does it hold the reddish color more into winter than the panicums?
Beautiful! Clearly, you are a photographer as well as a gardener! The spider webs in our shade garden this year have been epic as well, but I haven't caught the pictures as well as you have! Thanks for sharing!
Totally gorgeous!!!!
There is beauty in decay! I often marvel at the spider webs in the morning dew in my garden and at the lake where we escape but I have never captured them so eloquently. An impressive collection of grasses! Grasses make the garden. I am in love with Panicum 'Dallas Blues' and hope to add more Panicums to my garden. Thank you for sharing!
Truly lovely photos! You've captured your grasses with just the perfect lighting and reflections...and that spider web is a work of art. Thank you for sharing both your garden and your photographic talent.
Postcard perfect pics ! Very nice ! Those spideys are so busy thid time of year !
Well, John, your obsessive-neurotic garden never ceases to please. You've really got the fall-interest thing down. Looks beautiful. That New Jersey smog really adds a nice effect...
Joking aside, how do you maintain all of those grasses? As I look to decrease maintenance in my garden, large grasses are plants I am either removing or avoiding because of the need to divide, refresh and the chore of cutting them down in early spring. You must have a great system.
Hey John, cool photos. My favorite is the front bed in the fall. The golden grass against the reds of the sedum and miscanthus is lovely.
The combination of fog and these wonderful grasses make for very artistic and ethereal photos. Gorgeous! Have you entered any photography contests? I think you would win.
Great photos, John. The grasses in the fog and mist are fabulous. Nothing like grasses from mid-summer through the winter. Thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous and artistic photos. Thanks for sharing.
Such beautiful photography!! Truly stunning pictures of your gorgeous garden.
That garden! Signature Markowsky! WOW!
Hi John, late post here just to compliment you on your beautiful photos. Since following your blog, I find myself craving more grasses in our landscape and I'm gradually winning my husband and fellow gardener over to my side since they are relatively deerproof. They are not, however, rabbitproof, especially when young so I'm keeping busy making plant cages. Sorry for this late entry but my phone died while traveling so I'm just now catching up:)
Hi John,
Your photographs are beautiful. They look like paintings. Is it possible to buy one or two (or more) to make enlargements which can be framed and hung up on a wall to be enjoyed for a long time. If so, please post the information how it can be done. Thanks.
So beautiful, John! We used to have numerous miscanthus and panicum throughout our garden, but after helping me divide some of them my husband threatened to bury me in the back yard if I planted any more. I'm really not a weakling, but gee, those roots are tough customers. I may have to content myself with Karl Forsters and looking at your photos! How do you do it?
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