The genus Rudbeckia is comprised of 20 or so species of annuals, biennials, and perennials from the meadows and woodlands of North America. They are grown for their often numerous daisy-shaped, mostly yellow flowers with central cones that can be black, brown, or green. The flowers often attract butterflies, and the seedheads attract birds. Use in a border, woodland, or natural area.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsLong-blooming daisylike flowers with central cones that make good cut flowers
CareConeflowers prefer heavy soil that is well-drained but does not dry out, in full sun or partial shade.
PropagationPerennials may be grown from seed started in a cold frame in early spring, or by division in spring or fall. Annuals and biennials should be started from seed in spring at 61° to 64°F.
ProblemsAphids, powdery mildew, rust, smut, and leaf spots can occur, while slugs and snails can eat young plants.