An upright, bushy annual with flowers (actually bracts) that resemble bright red strawberries with tiny yellow “seeds.” Flowers are produced from summer to early fall and are great for cutting and drying. Gomphrena is fairly drought tolerant and very heat tolerant.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsBushy habit. Bright red flowerheads that resemble strawberries.
CareTolerates most any soil that is moderately fertile and well-drained. Grow in full sun, preferably with regular moisture. Some drought tolerance and very good heat tolerance.
PropagationSow seed at 59° to 64°F in early spring.
ProblemsGray mold and fungal leaf spots can sometimes be problems.
- Genus : Gomphrena
- Plant Height : 1 to 3 feet
- Zones : 11
- Plant Width : 6 to 12 inches
- Moisture : Adaptable
- Plant Type : Annuals
- Characteristics : Cut flower
- Tolerance : Drought Tolerant
- Bloom Time : Early Fall, Early Summer, Fall, Late Summer, Summer
- Light : Full Sun
- Foliage Color : Green
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Maintenance : Moderate
- Flower Color : Red
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Summer Interest