Most Tsuga species are native to forests of Southeast Asia and North America. They have short, flat needles with white bands of stomata on the undersides. They make excellent specimens in natural or formal settings alike, for example, planted in the lawn or a wooded site. Many species are suitable for hedging and screening, and dwarf varieties do well in rock gardens or mixed borders. Hemlocks can tolerate a considerable amount of shade, particularly when young. They are notably at risk of infestation by woolly adelgids, scale, and mites.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsThese small-needled conifers are the aristocrats of evergreens, and have a wide variety of uses in the landscape.
CareGrow in moist, but well-drained (acidic to slightly alkaline) soil in full sun to full shade. Prune hedges in late summer or early fall.
PropagationSow seed in a cold frame in spring; root semi-ripe cuttings in late summer or early fall.
ProblemsBotrytis (gray mold), rust, needle blights, butt rot, snow blight, weevils, mites, aphids, woolly adelgid, scale.