Much of the varied genus of Verbena originates in the Americas, in both open, sunny sites and open woodland. These plants have square stems and bear small flowers in a wide variety of arrangements. The flowers are long-blooming and salverform, each made up of a slender tube that widens abruptly at the end. Verbenas are excellent for annual borders and containers (especially hanging baskets), and some for the mixed herbaceous border.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsWith their distinctly-arranged and cheery blossoms, Verbenas provide a long season of rich color to annual displays.
CareIn containers: provide good drainage, full sun, and monthly fertilizer during the growing season. Outdoors, provide moist, well-drained soil in full sun.
PropagationSow seed in autumn or early spring at 64° to 70°F. Divide perennials in spring and take cuttings in late summer.
ProblemsWhiteflies, aphids, slugs, snails, scale insects, spider mites, powdery mildew, Septoria leaf spot, rust.